As a contemporary, award winning artist, Loretta expresses her visions in a spontaneous and direct fashion. Acrylic paint is layered, subtracted and manipulated using palette knives, brushes and scrapers to synthesize an intricate and distinct tableau. Colours and shapes take on an energy of their own and each layer of texture and colour she adds reinterprets her thoughts and emotions. Loretta works with the passion that her motifs, their essence, will stimulate the minds eye of the observer. She is originally from Belleville, Ontario, has lived most of her life in Toronto, and now resides in Cobourg, Ontario with her husband John, also a professional artist. Working at an unsatisfying office career for many years, Loretta felt the need to unleash her creativity, took that first step and resigned. She realized that the Universe, her inner guidance system, was sending her a message and she is so very glad she listened. Loretta has now been creating full time for the last ten years, and in that short time has established herself as an accomplished contemporary artist with collectors in Canada, the United States, the U.K. and Taiwan. As a self taught artist, Kaltenhauser is fearless and approaches her work with respect but without ceremony. Her vision seems unclouded, uncluttered. Perhaps it's her open attitude that allows her a certain freedom. She smiles and notes “...by not knowing the rules, I am breaking them all the time.” Over time, but within her own timelines, Kaltenhauser has embraced her abstract style – a style that exudes life and shimmers with colour and textures from the weathered and organic to the sleek and contemporary, and a style that reflects that of an artist who has found her calling.
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2022 - Included in the ' Best 100 Artists ' Annual Book of Photographize -Volume 3.
2020 - Featured on Episode 40 of Stella's Studio on Camoes TV
2020 - Arabella Magazine - Online Kaleidoscope Collection 1
2020 - Watershed Magazine Spring Issue -
Featured in Cultural Currents
2018 - Cobourg Now - Featured in article regarding home studio tour
2014 - Nuwork Magazine - Weaving Worlds featured in the summer edition
2019 - Award for Juror's Choice 2nd for The Art Gallery of Northumberland's 41st Juried Exhibition.
2017 - Award for the Derivative Abstract Category and the Award for the Imaginative Abstract Category at The Robert McLaughlin Gallery 50th Anniversary OAA Juried Art Exhibition.
~ The Federation of Canadian Artists ' 2022 LIMITLESS Online Exhibition'.
~ Colour and Form Society 69th Open Juried Online Exhibition
~ The Northumberland Hills Studio Tour
~ Ontario Society of Artists 148th Open Juried Virtual Exhibition
~ Society of Canadian Artists 2021 Open International Juried Exhibition
~ 'From Women's Eye' Online Exhibition of 42 female artists hosted by the Kefi Art
~ Art Gallery of Northumberland's 42nd Juried Exhibition - Cobourg.
~ ' Mother Earth ' Solo Virtual Art Exhibition
~ Society of Canadian Artists 2020 International Open Juried Online Exhibition
~ The Artist Project - Toronto
~ Spirit of the Hills Juried Art & Photography Show - John M. Parrott Art Gallery, Belleville.
~ The Art Gallery of Northumberland's 41st Juried
Exhibition - Cobourg. Received the Award for Juror's Choice 2nd.
~ The Northumberland Hills Studio Tour
~ The Federation of Canadian Artists " 2019 Limitless Online Exhibition "
~ The Riverdale Artwalk - Toronto
~ OAA Annual Juried Art Exhibition - The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa
~ The Artist Project - Toronto
~ The Northumberland Hills Studio Tour
~Toronto Outdoor Art Fair ~ Toronto.
~"Small Art Big Hearts" (charity auction)-Waddingtons Auction House-Toronto
~ The Riverdale Artwalk - Toronto
~ Art Gallery of Northumberland 40th Annual Juried Exhibition
~ OAA Annual Juried Art Exhibition - The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa
~ Society of Canadian Artists 2018 International Open Juried Online Exhibition
~ The Artist Project - Toronto
~Silver Anniversary Annual Juried Exhibition - The Station Gallery, Whitby
~PRAC 18th Annual Juried Art Show
~Visual Arts Centre of Clarington 37th Annual
Juried Show of Fine Arts
~"Small Art Big Hearts" (charity auction)-Waddingtons Auction House-Toronto
~Riverdale Art Walk - Toronto
~50th Anniversary OAA Juried Art Exhibition - The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa - Received the Award for the Derivative Abstract Category as well as the Award for the Imaginative Abstract Category.
~Art Gallery of Northumberland 39th Annual Juried Exhibition - Cobourg
~Glimpse 24th Annual Exhibition - The Station Gallery, Whitby
~PRAC 17th Annual Juried Art Show - Received Award of Excellence
~Visual Arts Centre of Clarington 36th Annual Juried Show of Fine Arts
~OAA Annual Juried Art Exhibition - The Robert McLaughlin Gallery,Oshawa
~"Small Art Big Hearts" (charity auction)-Waddingtons Auction House-Toronto
~Riverdale Art Walk - Toronto
~Ontario Society of Artists Annual Open Juried Exhibition - John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto
~Riverdale Art Walk - Toronto
~OAA Annual Juried Art Exhibition - The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa
~Ontario Society of Artists Emerging Artists Exhibition - Joseph D. Carrier Gallery, Toronto
~Visual Arts Centre of Clarington 34th Annual Juried Show of Fine Arts
~PRAC 15th Annual Juried Art Show - Received Award of Excellence
~Oshawa Space Invaders - Group Installation
~Solo Show at Impresario Market Gallery, Cobourg
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